Showing posts with label post apocalyptic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post apocalyptic. Show all posts

18 December 2010

Watch - WHITE , A cool Post Apoclayptic Short Movie

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Picture been in a scenario like The Day After Tomorrow wheres there nothing to be found apart from cold weather and your dog? You can find out by checking out WHITE a cool little short movie. Created by Patrick Bonvin set in Quebec but if i posted this movie last week I dont think it would have went down well after the extreme snow weather we had in Scotland, enjoy!

26 June 2010

Its a Big Bad Lonely Place even when you have your teddy...trailer for NO ROAD TO FOLLOW

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Source QuietEarth
When you walk the burned decayed barren wasteland called earth with only a teddy bear for company looking for other survivors its a hard world out there. Below is the teaser trailer for Jeremy Rush's movie short NO ROAD TO FOLLOW his debut movie, its an interesting hopeful piece which has no dialogue, but what lacks in speech we get great cinematography along with a pounding soundtrack which does make this look a interesting movie which is due for release very soon.

check out the trailer after the break...

8 June 2010

We Still Love our Zombie Flicks! Check this out, DARKEST DAY trailer

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source Quietearth
As Zombie movie legend George Romero has just released another zombie flick, many critics/fans are saying maybe he should stop creating zombie flicks as the qaulity seems to diminish movie by movie. Maybe some say the genre is tired and boring, though I never hear anyone complain about the vampire genre which does seem to be busting with constant movie and tv shows but no one seems to complain. With a little imagination using some of the basic musts for a genre like zombies you can come up with some fantastic and even original and DARKEST DAY is definately a perfect example of a good zombie flick.
You have your elements of old school zombies along with the new school fast running undead, elements of 28 days later and most of all its British!!! Yeah here in UK we dont really have a gun culture its more knifes so less redneck more chav, but you can expect the redneck type splatting you got in dawn of the dead.
Cinehouse UK gives these guys the thumbs up and supports the small independant movie producers, but these are passionate people who have created a dark thrilling movie in no budget. According to their website they are in post production and are looking for distributors, I do hope they get a distributor great effort guys!!!
checkout the synopsis and trailer after the break...

28 May 2010

Claustaphobia hit this intense new teaser trailer for 2084

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Souce QuietEarth
I've heard about this movie for a little while but when I watched the first teaser trailer for 2084, I wasnt that impressed as for the second trailer I cant really remember much about it but now we have a third trailer.

Until now the movie name was the only thing I remembered about it but after watching the third teaser trailer I am now very keen to see this movie. The trailer is very intense, dark but most of all claustophobic.

I got a slight 28 days later feel minus the grittiness (as well as not as dark as 28 days) , with the virus been the killer here and been told to stay indoors as chaos roams with the survivors its one I do want to see.

So check out the trailer after the break ......

10 February 2010

THE SHOW MUST GO ON even at the end of the world

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Source QuietEarth
"The show must go on" how many times have your heard that phrase when people put so much hard work into things and they end up in defeat or embarrasment? THE SHOW MUST GO ON is the name of Croatian director Nevio Marasovic new movie.After many years of pathetic television programme called Big Brother finished and no more Davina Macoll Marsovic had for years thought of an Big Brother inspired movie with a big budget apocalypse setting. His jaw must have dropped and heart stopped when Charlie Broker's  DEAD SET bet him to the game, which had big brother contestants surviving a zombie holocaust.

However Marasovic has went one step ahead and still have the Big Brother contestants but now they must face an all out war which looks like it'll be an Nuclear Bomb will trigger off or has already so its grim outside and time to face reality and survive. I think Deadset coming out wont ruin this movie as they only share the Big Brother part, This does look very good. Hopefully someone nice outthere could send me a screener?!

8 February 2010

Arthouse Horror in THE DEFILED

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source QuietEarth
What I love about this trailer is the retro/classic feel it has to it. Fans of cult horror movies will like the look of this movie THE DEFILED. This arthouse movie is written and directed by Julian Grant and when you look at it its like its stuck in a visual time warp between Noseferatu and Night of the Living dead, which you see in the above photo.Verbally there is only one line in the whole of the movie which is not alot as its a 100minute feature but visually and storywise its an very intriguing peice of work, the trailer is only 30 seconds long but you do get a sense of the movie is all about.

Set in a near distant future where an N1HI style of virus has decimated the populace, an infected man, his new-born child and an enigmatic beauty must seek food and shelter in this world-turned-wrong. - imdb