18 October 2009

Updating Blog design

hi all as you'll be able to see Ive changed the blogs templete. The previous design was to simple and wanted something different and viola here we are, I do hope you like it. This may not be the final design I may change again in future, for meantime it'll be this one. I have to re-install all the widgets and links, add some more new stuff as well so some links may not work yet or some pages may not make any sense but please bare with me as I update everything. I am a little angry the blog is taking longer to get into the swing of things, but everything takes time and I know that by looking at my other blog THE PEOPLES MOVIES BLOG which is a year old next month and is finally getting a average of 500 - 600 visits a day now which is excellent, hopefully soon this blog could replicate that success.

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