4 February 2010


source QuietEarth
We all have those days that are better than others, Ive not had many great days the past year, always start happy and end in tears. Below is the directoral debut for Matt McCormick with Some Days Are Better Than Others.
This is an strong indie drama about an "exploration, emptiness, human connection and abandonment while observing an interweaving web of awkward characters who maintain hope by inventing their own forms of communication and self-fulfillment." as described on QuietEarth. The trailer looks rather depressing but from the online commertary for the movie it's not really that dull, but a very character driven piece of work.
 The movie also stars exS;eater Kinney guitarist Carrie BrownsteinandShins singer James Mercer giving the film a nice extra indie touch. Sundance Festival has just finished and so everyone moves onto the next big one, well to me it would be Berlin but to some its SXSW festival  an major music, film and multimedia festival in Austin Texas, U.S.A and this movie will be part of the line up with Cyrus, McGruber, Lebanon and Kick-Ass.

Some Days are Better than Others (trailer) from matt mccormick on Vimeo.

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