Brilliant Love is an unusal romance type movie directed by Ashley Horner and it's good to be different be a romance movie but think outside the box when it comes to traditional elements of a movie genre and in this case romance. Manchester(Liam Browne) and Noon (Nancy Trotter) have a long summer relationship but what if your a photographer would youcreating pictures artistically from cheap nasty cameras?
The movie will be shown at this years Tribeca Festival and a possible April release in UK so check out the synopsis and trailer below:
imdb synopsis:A poetic love story that follows Manchester and Noon as they enjoy a long, hot, summer romance. Noon is our narrator, a shy taxidermist who keeps a silent menagerie in the freezer alongside Manchester's ice pops. Manchester documents their affair, creating wonderfully charged images with just a couple of cheap, instamatic cameras. When a wealthy gentleman called Franny discovers Manchester and launches his photography on the art world, the success destroys the beauty of their once idyllic life
the movie looks pretty good, but your synopsis contains homonym abuse which is so disappointing. I think you meant "what if you're (not your) a photographer..." I am not sure you can list writer as your (used properly) profession!