8 June 2010

The Way Of The Fjord! Norwegian Ninja Theatrical Trailer is Upon Us!!!

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 I'll admit I never really took this movie seriously, the cheesiness level was massive but I said to myself I'm forgeting one of the reasons I started this blog: to cover the weird, funny and wonderfull movies out there and Norwegian Ninja is one of them.
This movie comes from the producer of the excellent zombie nazi movie Dead Snow so this should have been my que to check the movie but here I am! These guys have a sense of humour that gives you the impression they dont care there just having fun and good on them, there's just too many serious people out there.
If you love your old school martial arts (ala 1970-80's) flicks mixed in with a barrell load of cold war frolics, 'amazing' special effects and enough cheese to use to make cheese & toast for the entire universe check out this movie.
I dont know if this will get a theatrical release in UK but the worldwide coverage this movie has got hopefully it will get some sort of limited releaseif not it'll be straight to dvd.

The movie is due out in its Native Norway on August 13th, check out the trailer after the break....

Kommandør Treholt & Ninjatroppen is the true story of how Commander Arne Treholt and his Ninja Force saved Norway during the Cold War. The story takes place in the time right before Treholt's arrest on espionage charges in 1984, and reveals a spectacularly different version of our recent past than has been previously known.

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