7 November 2010

Watch The Post-Apocalyptic Spaghetti Western SNOWBLIND for Free!!!

Dont say we're not good to you, but thanks to the powers of be here's your chance toWatch The Post-Apocalyptic Spaghetti Western SNOWBLIND for Free!!!
The indie made movie has a host of talent hopefuls from around the world (including UK & Ireland) hoping maybe one day they could take the next step up either in indie movies or even to mainstream. Mix the post apocalptic backdrop with crazy coboys on bikes throw in a good doze of old school grindhouse and what do you get? snowblind!!! The was created with the help of the online community wreckamovie.com along with private funding and yes it maybe shot entirely in front of a green screen it does look good and they do get 100% thumbs up from Cinehouse for effort and working on a very limited budget using what source they had to the maximum.

You can enjoy the movie in its full glory after the break or if you want to you can download it  here

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