12 December 2010

Teaser Trailer For indie drama Gimcrack

Gimcrack Teaser from Sun-Ho Pak on Vimeo.

Above is the first teser trailer for GIMCRACK a new indie drama by  Sun-Ho Pak. This movie is the directors feature debut and has been a bit of a risk for him too. Pak is an American Korean after discovering his ethnic culture he decided to go to Korea taught at one of the citys universities for a few years (learning Korean in USA before he went) and now he's taken the step into fim industry.

Gimcrack is the final outcome, read the offical press release after the break but befre then watch the trailer above....
Gimcrack, a feature-length independent film written and directed by Sun-Ho Pak will premiere at Cine Maru in Gwanghwamun on Wednesday, December 15th at 8:30pm. Though born and raised in the States, Pak decided to make Seoul his temporary home as a university professor and an aspiring filmmaker after studying in a Korean language program five years ago. As an ethnic Korean-American, he returned to finally embrace the culture that was absent in his life in the States. Since then, he has steadily sharpened his directing chops through various projects like Lost in Transition, Pak's first short film submission to the Seoul 48-Hour Film Project (2009), awarded "Runner-Up" and "Best Writing".

The start of the year 2010 marked the beginning of an arduous journey as Pak put everything on the line, including his own savings, to write and direct his first feature-length film. Gathering a ragtag crew and pulling cast members from his close circle of friends, Pak went into production during one of the worst winters Seoul has experienced in the past ten years. What should've been a 3-week long production turned into a grueling 3-month long race to finish shooting under budget. While nobody wanted to spend their free time working on set in the middle of the night, freezing just about every single part of their body, Pak was blessed to have an enthusiastic cast and crew that got the job done.

As the log line, "A True Story based on Fake Events" suggests, Gimcrack tackles on real struggles that we all must go through to shape who we are and who we choose to be. The film follows a day in the lives of six friends who feel lost, lonely, and complacent as they surrender to modern society's demands to buy the "right products," choose the "right social circle" over friends, and pursue money rather than their dreams. They can either choose to stay true to a more authentic life or just settle.

Drawing from talent from all around, Gimcrack is truly a global project. Actor/model, Pascal Dior, comes from a German background and adds a comedic touch unlike other Koreans or Americans. Along with a diverse cast, Pak took advantage of internet transfer sites to get all of his footage to his editor, Shawn Lee Wilson. A graduate of Animation Mentor, Wilson is an exceptional CG/VFX Editor and Animator who does all his work from his home office in Washington D.C. The entire film was also shot on a Canon 5D Mark II, which has recently become a favorite among young filmmakers.

This is only the beginning for Sun-Ho Pak's presence in the film industry here in Seoul. Pak along with Gimcrack producers, Sarah Jung and Jack Park, are starting an international production company in Seoul as well as a branch in Los Angeles. The company will cater to indie artists that just want to create without having to wait for anything or anyone. It's a declaration to the world that artists no longer have to grovel to pursue their passions. One innovative aspect of the company is its agency department. For the first time, the company will be able to provide talents for hire on a single website without taking a ridiculous chunk out of the talents' pay. Side Project Productions will officially launch its website on December 15th after the premiere of Gimcrack. There, casting directors will be able to find the talent they need by browsing through a list of profiles, headshots, and links to previous works. As CEO, Pak hopes that the company will function more like a community of like-minded people more than just a money hungry business.

Join film lovers at 8:30pm on the 15th of December at Cine Maru and visit the official site of Side Project Productions at sideprojectproductions.com

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