22 May 2011

Dutch Zombie Fun With SHOUF SHOUF ZOMBI

When Zombieland came out 2009 everyone around the world loved it but alot of American based fans believe this was there Shaun of The Dead but better, yes and no on better but both equally as fun but different films.Shaun of The Dead you know was a British film  and both movies caused a ruckus that Americans are better at everything and supporters of Shaun of The Dead counter acted, I just love both films but hate it when one person or persons think they are better (whoever they are).Look at the history of films there's been endless zombie films from virtually every country with a film industry some unique, good in there own ways, others paying homage to the classics but there is a few that are just rip-offs.

Let's look at SHOUF SHOUF ZOMBI which stars Achmed Akkabi, Mimoun Ouled Radi and Yes-R  all from the popular Dutch film/ series Shouf Shouf  Habibi and below is actually only a teaser as the filming doesn't start until the summer aiming for a 2012 release. As its from a popular tv series it's certain it will make a healthy return at the box office but is it me doesn't the teaser trailer look like its trying to rip off Shaun of The Dead? hopefully its only the teaser which looks like it trying to recreate the infamous garden scene with the record collection but in a cafe?! If it is who really cares as this looks fun and the filmmakers promise scary zombies and plenty of blood!

The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombies.Although much blood is flowing and limbs chopped off, there is a lot to laugh at this bizarre horror comedy. "

< SOURCE Quietearth

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