22 May 2011

Trailer for GUT is intriguingly dark

I dont knowmuch about Elias but his last full feature LovecraCked! The Movie was a entertain yarn though it had its faults but he has returned to full features with GUT. How to describe this movie is a hard one but what can say its alot darker than his previous movies I've even read one blog say its a cross between Hardcore and A Serbian Film. I can see where there coming from but also i'm a little confused what the movie is really all about, It's whatever on the dvd possibly a voyeur thing or going to down the  A Serbian Film Route some sort of nasty abuse.

Something is missing in Tom's life. His marriage has lost its spark, his job is suffocating him, and his childhood best friend Dan still clings to the past. Every day he goes through the motions, becoming increasingly detached from those around him. Dan has the solution... something Tom's got to see to believe... tonight. What Dan shows him leaves Tom unsettled, flooding his mind with disturbing images, and binding the two friends together with its ugly secret.

Gut - trailer from Gut Productions, LLC on Vimeo.


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