28 August 2011

Life is hard moneywise when you're a Student. Teaser Trailer to BEN-TO

Ah the good old days of university! Living away from home having to fend for yourselves, no grant all loans and years of misery for all the debt you will have a prospect to paying back, though its the interest from the bank for holding your loan in is the killer! I always remember alot of students couldnt be bothered getting part time jobs get few extra pennies for essentials (not just beer!), many end up poor, I always said to myself as long as I have money for food after University books I can survive and I did. One thing students loved where freebies or more often discounts and many will do anything to get that discount like in this teaser for anime BEN-TO.

Below is an new teaser trailer for a series which focuses on student life and pushing the boundaries to some extreme ridiculous limits. Simple plot but full of action, fights, comedy and desperation of students to get that illustrious discounted meal!

source Twitch 

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