7 January 2013

KLOWN to Make UK debut at LOCO London Comedy Film Festival

KLOWN is the outrageous and hilarious Danish comedy that pushes the boundaries of comedy and acceptable childcare with its bold mixture of dry wit, fearless shock humour and heartfelt sentimentality.

Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Inbetweeners and The Hangover combine as Frank (Danish comedy sensation Frank Hvam) decides to prove himself suitable father material by kidnapping his pregnant girlfriend’s young nephew for a truly outrageous weekend that combines sexual promiscuity, nudity, drug-taking and tiny bottles of Underberg.

Directed by Mikkel Nørgaard, KLOWN was the year’s highest-grossing home-grown film when released in Denmark. It was critically acclaimed on its US release and has been picked up for a Hollywood remake by Warner Bros. The film stars Frank Hvam and Casper Christensen, two of the most popular and experienced stand-up comedians in Denmark.

KLOWN’s UK premiere will take place on Friday 25th January at the LOCO London Comedy Film Festival at the BFI Southbank. The film is released in the UK by Arrow Films in Spring 2013 (exact date tbc).

SYNOPSIS: Frank accidentally learns that his girlfriend Mia is pregnant and that she has omitted to tell him as she does not regard him as ‘father material’. Furthermore, they have to take care of Mia’s nephew while Frank’s attention is taken planning a debauched canoeing trip with his friend Casper (Casper Christensen).

When Frank causes a minor accident with Bo, Mia must acknowledge that Frank is simply not capable of taking care of anyone other than himself, let alone a child. In desperation, Frank kidnaps Bo for the canoe trip, to the dismay of Casper. Frank is intent on showing Mia that he can be a good father. Of course, the trip turns out to be a disaster but in the midst of the chaos, bonds are made between Bo and Frank who both learn that size isn’t everything.

KLOWN’s UK premiere will take place on Friday 25th January at the LOCO London Comedy Film Festival at the BFI Southbank.

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