4 January 2013

Watch Dan Sachar's Full Overture Post Apocalyptic Short

April 2011 we brought you the trailer for Dan Sachar's  short Overture an Israeli post apocalyptic film which has been playing festivals and now just before the film arrives in Sundance festival this month, the full short is available online in its full glory.

32 minutes long Overture is  set in a post Apocalyptic dying world were a man a lone survivor lost in the dying world struggles to connect the pieces from his scavenging as well as the repressed memories. Out of the blue a young woman appears in his desolate forest who is intent that the man will face his past along with the fate fit to suit what he did in the past.

Been a fan of the post apocalyptic films Overture does look like something John Hillcoat (The Road) even Lar Von Trier would direct. This is captivating and with the minimal dialogue it really expands the loneliness, terrifying the world can be

Overture from Dan Sachar on Vimeo.

source: Overture's official website

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