Showing posts with label disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disaster. Show all posts

30 June 2010

Trailer 2 For Feng Xiaogang's AFTERSHOCK

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source Twitchfilm
Its days like this I'm greatfull where I live (Scotland) for the sake that earthquakes have a 1% chance of ever happening in my country. Lets go to China the biggest populated country in the world, it's 1976 Tangshan City in Hebei province on July 28, the world's worst earthqauke destroy's the area with a 7.8 on richter scale killing nearly 250,000 people and injuring just as many, its a tragic event. 

Feng Xiaogang's movie AFTERSHOCK is centered around this event following the tragic events through the eyes of a little girl. This is not a disaster movie as in the sense of fictional Towering Inferno, this is based on a true event which no one ever wants to see but tragically does occour, this is a weepie folks an emotional rollercoaster ride.
The movie is due out on July 22nd in china and will be the country's first produced IMAX movie and the poster on the left is for the American release  as in when it is I dont have or even if there's a UK release too, hopefully there will be.
Check the synopsis and trailer, Featruette after the break...