18 November 2009


Oh we love our manga comics and Animes at Cinehouse UK and I was chuffed to see this one popped online, the trailer for Higanjima (Island of Vampires).
This movie is an adaptation of the popular Japanese comic book of the same name which centres around a student Saki who goes searching for his brother who has mysteriously dissappeared and her search leads to the mysterios island of Higanjima with a village populated with vampires.
When you watch the trailer you've got to laugh at some of the makeup but it does make up with the scary(ish) vampires but awesome trailer. Manga is pure fantasy with a lots of over the tops items in it, but that makes me want to see more and more and did I say more?
Warner Bros is releasing this in Japan, Hands up if this does really well in its native country will we see it he? or at least a bad waterdown Hollywood (F)muckup?? My arm is getting sore, watch the trailer.......

Higanjima is an eerie island occupied by vampires, from where none has ever come back alive. When teenager Akira hears that his missing brother has been seen in the island, he decides to investigate with several friends - IMDB.

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