20 April 2011

CANNES 2011: First Trailer for Filipino Drama 'BUSONG'

Part of the Director's Fortnight programme at Cannes Film Festival Auraeus Solito's BUSONG looks like to be the first movie from The Philippines directed purely in Palawanon language the native tongue of Filipino's. The movie tells the story of a woman who cant touch the ground with been in terrible pain, something you would never want on anyone and when watching the trailer there's virtually no dialect apart from the local shaman type elders,quite hypnotic check out the trailer:

Busong is the indigenous Palawan concept of Fate or instant Karma. Nature reacts instantly to man's disrespect of nature and other men. Punay was born with wounds in her feet so that she cannot step on the earth. Her brother, Angkarang, carries her through a hammock, as he searches the changing landscape of Palawan in hoping to find a healer who can cure Punay. Different people help him carry his sister along the way- a woman looking for her husband, a fisherman who lost his boat and a young man who is searching for himself- and each one meets their fate. The first Palawanon indigenous film.


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