12 July 2011

Trailer For SUITFIGHT - A Short Film about Hobos With A "Suit"

Apart from the obvious release of The boy Wizard named Potter this Friday Jason Eisener's Grindhouse thriller Hobo With A Shotgun with Rutger Hauer finally comes to UK& Ireland lets focus on the Hobos. Sometimes you may call them tramps, Bums or  here in Scotland there called Jakeys they are the down and out people. Some very intelligent people with their world destroyed by alcohol, usually victims of people with money(the invisible people) but thanks to Hobo With A Shotgun the Hobos are fighting back.

Kristian B Walters SUITFIGHT  a fantastic looking 20 minute short film which tells the story of Molly a 60 year old tramp once a penchant of Ballet now a Hobo with a unusual 'passtime' of hunting down and kidnapping wealthy stockbrokers but why?  Hobo's need entertained apart from the 'Devil's Water' the suits are the entertainment for the fellow hobo's but what form of entertainment, you'll have to check out the trailer below!
SUITFIGHT is a dark comedy with a messege, a messege against the Bumfight phenomenon (tramps fighting each other, performing stunts for alcohol, food, money) which swepted the internet several years ago which is now illegal including here in the UK

SUITFIGHT trailer from Kristian B. Walters on Vimeo.

Molly (Anne Marie Ottersen), a tough as nails tramp in her sixties with a penchant for ballet and kidnapping is hunting a couple of filthy rich stockbrokers to serve as the evening’s entertainment at a secret bum camp. Molly has two semi-competent hobo helpers, a shopping trolley and a wheelchair to pull off her plan. The street dwellers are so used to being invisible to the hordes of nine-to-fivers that they boldly strike in broad daylight in downtown Stavanger. A dark comedy in tune with the global financial zeitgeist. The Suitfight title stands in opposition to the tawdry Bumfights phenomenon.

show your support to Kristian who is actually from London but has lived in Norway since he was young, check out their website or Facebook page. Kristian has informed Cinehouse that he is in the process of getting the movie onto the festival network so keep a look out for the short film at a film festival near you!

(apologies to Kristian for taking so long to post this!)

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