2 October 2011

Trailer: The Vinyl Frontier - A Documentary About Vinyl Toys!

For years throughout my teens especially I collected comic books, then manga but as money got tight my enthusiasm to buy more went out the window but still i went into the comic books shops in Glasgow with no idea why plus what to buy. A few years ago I did eventually get a reason to go back in and though i might have many to be considered a collector I just adored looking at them...vinyl Toys. If anyone says toys are for kids is completely wrong toys are for everyone its the nature on how you tend to see them for, they are collectable all shapes, sizes, absurd, surreal toys which I would go to say are a artform, an extension even of graphic design. The Vinyl Frontier a documentary by Daniel Zana explores the world of Vinyl Toys and in the opening shots you see loads of the toys showing you how diverse they are and how much an phenomenon they are too.

Its a lo-fi vanguard type of production, an interesting look into a underrated artform which collectors will adore as for any form of release probably have to look a dvd here in UK&Ireland for any chance to see the movie and if it does arrive here expect it to be sold through the shops that specialise in vinyl toys.

source Liveforfilms

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