Billed as Taiwan's first ever Zombie film in history ZOMBIE 108 which has generated a nice buzz within the Horror community worldwide. Thanks to help of 900 fans with funding Director Joe Chien's film and thanks to our friends at Cine Asia British and Irish Horror fans to enjoy the film when its released this July on DVD.
After a catastrophic accident at a top secret research lab, a deadly virus is released into the city and all hell breaks loose.
Controlled by a local crime lord, District 108 is the one place in the city the police don't want to go on a normal day. But today is not a normal day, and the crack SWAT team ordered to help evacuate the uninfected must do just that. Met with fierce resistance by the local gangs, both sides suffer heavy casualties before realising that the guys with the guns aren't the real enemy: the zombies are!
With ammunition running low, the two sides join forces to fight for the only thing worth fighting for: a chance to escape from the city and the zombies currently running loose in it!
Selected for the Terror-Cotta film festival in association with FILM4 Frightfest Prince Charles Cinema London Friday 13th April 2012.
Zombie 108 will be released in UK&Ireland July 30th (Pre Order / Buy Zombie 108 On DVD
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