22 February 2010

Trailer for sleek indie cyberpunk movie FRAME 137

Frame 137 Teaser from Judd L. Tilyard on Vimeo.

source SlashFilm
Above is the new trailer from Judd Tilyard's new cyberpunk flick FRAME 137. This sci-fi movie is based on a story created by The Crow creator James O'Barr  (with his permission) which was first seen in the comic book Dark Horse Presents.

This movie has been created in a way you dont see much of these days in cinemascope (or a Lomo Anamorphic Lens camera) and amazingly made over just a weekend. The movies main protaginist is 10 year old Sam Ransom  playing Johnny Z  and amazingly did all his own stunts including the wire work & fire breathing. This is only a minute long teaser and you can see the many inspirations this movie has been inspired by: The Matrix, Equillibrium and I even see elements of the classic Anime Trigun as well.

As for release info, there's nothing yet, there's not even word it will be released  which means it'll more likely to travel around this years festivals.

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