25 May 2011

Watch the visually beautiful short film LOOM

Sometimes the simplest things in life are just fascinating to watch and LOOM is an prime example. This animated short has a basic story its life cycle survival of the fittest Spider Versus moth watch the story unfold in a short movie which lasts under 6 minutes. Created by Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck and Csaba Letay its one of the best visually blessed animations i've seen in a longtime.

A moth being caught in a spiders web. Struggling for an escape, the moths panic movements only result in less chance of survival. What follows is the type of causality everyones expecting. The spider appears, claims its prey and feeds on it. The way nature works. But it’s the point of view that creates an intense relationship between the hunter and its victim. There is much more to explore, much more to feel if one takes the time to really experience the content of a split second.

Loom from Polynoid on Vimeo.

Visit the official site

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