6 June 2011

StarPower Motherfucka! Its Girls on Film in Norwegian Comedy YOU SAID WHAT which has Peter Stormore riding a dragon!

Apologies if the heading of this post sounded a little bit rude, but when you watch the trailer below you will understand its a line from the trailer! Hjelp, vi er i filmbransjen! is the new rom-comedy from Patrik Syversen and Nini Bull Robsahm which in English basically means Help we're in the film business but outside its native Norway will be called YOU SAID WHAT?
So what do you do when your in the late 20's just been dumped by your girlfriend? Simple create a fake film audition and get the girls coming to you! Will boy meet girl? and what in hell does Starpoer Motherfucka mean? Que Peter Stormore who just nuts in this and you notice he has a  fake dragon, Starpower motherfucka! This is a dialogue driven comedy from the guys who brought you Dead Snow ans well manhunt, it looks good and its also a english friendly trailer too, check it out below!

Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend. He is lonely, and terribly difficult to deal with. He lives in a commune with three other slackers in their late twenties. To cheer him up, his buddies get a brilliant idea. How about organizing a fakte audtion for a non-existing feature film? The role to be advertised will include all the qualities Glenn is looking for in a girl, and maybe he will find a new girlfriend during the audition rounds. Under the cover of making a film, the boys arrange fictitious casting sessions. After a series of unsuccessful auditions, they find Linda, a girl that Glenn falls for immediately. So much so that he offers her the part in order to be able to hang out with her. Not the smartest move ever. As a relationship starts developing between the two, questions arise. Like, when will shooting start? What's the budget like? Who will play the other roles? It all culminates when it turns out that Linda's mother is a wealthy investor who insists on providing capital for the production. To keep up appearances and to save what may potentially develop with Linda, Glenn and the boys have to start their production and actually make the film.

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