4 October 2015

Watch Leah Shore's OLD MAN Short

Human race have some truly strange fascinations, but are we surprised? No, it's in our nature and sometimes what's one person's strangness is another person normality. Serial Killers is one of those fascinations humns allure to, probably largely thanks to our celebration to TV criminals which have us glued to our tvs week in week out.

As in what, why, who we would be debating all day but if you to pick of 20th or 21st century serial killers you could do no wrong using Charles Manson as a starting point.You can't get more pathological than Manson , one of the very killers to have his own cult/following and New York fimmaker Leah Shore uses the charismatic Manson for her new short film.

Old Man is an 5 minute animated short  which highlights Man's 20 year reluctance to communicate with anyone outside his prison walls. however those old enough to have Manson before will recognize the audio is him and his conversations with Canadian  best selling author Marlin Marynick.....

source [vimeo]

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