Showing posts with label blu ray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blu ray. Show all posts
22 August 2018
27 October 2014
22 May 2014
30 April 2014
26 March 2014
24 February 2014
Masters Of Cinema Blu-ray Review - Serpico (1973)

Crime, Drama, Biography
Eureka! Entertainment
Rating: 18
BD Release Date:
24th February 2014 (UK)
Sidney Lumet
Al Pacion, Jack Keghoe, John Randolph, Barbara Eda-Young
Buy: SERPICO (Masters of Cinema) (Blu-ray)
Serpico is one of the crowning achievements in two careers, which had plenty the director Sidney Lumet, and the film’s star Al Pacino. It came off the heels of Sidney Lumet’s little seen but brilliant Sean Connery cop film The Offence and Pacino’s star making role in The Godfather and his equally great performance in Scarecrow.
Al Pacino shines as the title character of Frank Serpico, who starts life out as a uniformed police officer. He gradually discovers a world of police corruption and plans to blow it open. Serpico becomes increasingly idiosyncratic such as read literature not associated with a police officer and basically becomes a hippie. His behaviour makes his partners, superiors to be suspicious of him cause he refuses to take any payoffs. They eventually start to threaten his life.
Sidney Lumet was the undisputedly the king of gritty New York realism and Serpico was the beginning of what would make his name despite working since the 1950s and making many great films by this time. It’s both a pioneering cop film and a brilliant examination of a man who is a flawed moral crusader. Serpico along with The French Connection became the blueprint for the gritty realistic cop film we now know and love today.
The film is also very much a product of the time. It’s a film made at the climax of the Vietnam War, Watergate and the death of the Hippie dream. Lumet was always a political director even though his politics never made his films inaccessible to people of the left or the right is evident in the right leaning Tea Party appropriation of the “I’m not gonna take it anymore” line from his later 70s masterpiece Network despite his liberal politics. It could also just be there were fewer films then and people of all political persuasions would see what was new.
Lumet would return to the topic of police corrupt in the New York police force in later films such as Prince of the City and Q & A but he never bettered Serpico on the subject. Pacino and Lumet really were at the top of the game; both star and actor rarely put a put a foot wrong in the 70s. The most amazing thing about the film is that Pacino and Lumet topped it with their next collaboration Dog Day Afternoon but that’s a different story altogether.
Ian Schultz
23 February 2014
Masters Of Cinema Blu-ray Review - Roma (1972)

Comedy, Drama, World Cinema
Eureka! Entertainment
BD Release Date:
24th February 2014 (UK)
Federico Fellini
Britta Barnes, Peter Gonzales Falcon, Fiona Florence
buy: ROMA (Masters of Cinema) (Blu-ray)
Roma is one of Fellini’s most ambitious films but also one of his most narratively lacking, which at times can be extremely frustrating. It was released the year before the similar but more narrative led Amarcord, which is considered among his finest and rightfully so. Both films however deal with the rise of fascism in Italy during the 30s and both present a snapshot of the place it’s set.
Roma is a fragmented and at times surrealistic look at the city of Rome. Half of the narrative deals with young Fellini arriving in Rome during the Mussolini years. The other half is set during present day, which concerns Fellini (played by himself) making a film about the city of Rome. This is not untypical of Fellini’s films especially 8 ½, which is one of the great examples of film being an imitation of the director’s life.
The film’s lack of narrative can be confusing at times which can become irritating, but Fellini is one of those director’s whose images are so hypnotic that it somehow works. Fellini is also one of the most compassionate directors and he loves every character in his films greatly, no matter the social circumstances of them. Fellini’s films are often called grotesque but I’ve always found they just reflected his reality. It’s always worth noting Fellini was a cartoonist and that shaped how he saw the world, not unlike his obvious successor Terry Gilliam.
It’s Fellini in his most indulgent but even that is much better than most other people’s films, and it’s a fun satirical romp though Rome. The comparison between the Catholic fashion show and the brothel is one of Fellini’s finest moments in a career of many. The disc boosts a great transfer and an interview with Chris Wagstaff (lecturer in Italian cinema) along with roughly 20 minutes of deleted scenes and Italian and international trailers.
Ian Schultz
12 August 2013
Pi Blu-Ray Review

Blu-Ray Release Date:
12th August 2013 (UK)
Darren Aronofsky
Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben Shenkman
Pi - 15th Anniversary Edition [Blu-ray]
Darren Aronofsky’s debut feature Pi celebrates its 15th anniversary this year with a refurbed and repackaged Blu-ray release, so it’s the perfect time to revisit everyone’s favourite head-fuck mathematics film.
Following the exploits of paranoid mathematician Maximillian Cohen (Sean Gullette), the film explores the relationship between math and nature, detailing the vast intricate system of numbers that determine the movements of waves and the growing of natural forms. As Max stumbles upon a system of numbers that may hold the key to breaking this universal equation, his hold on reality begins to slip, plunging him into a hell of dangerous obsession.
Aronofsky’s first film shows many markers of his later exploits: the intensity, internal chaos, and lack of particular interest in definitive narrative all culminate to prove time again that he is indeed a director interested in making films that question human behaviour as well as typical methods of conveying story. The expressionist influences are abound not simply in his high contrast black and white filming and use of shadow and frenetic close up, but also in the narrative and the performance of the film’s lead. Lynchian influences are difficult to disband, but rather than holding back the piece, here they wind into a pre-Requiem tale of misery and addiction.
Gullette shines through as the schizophrenic Max, a character who has built his own disturbing rabbit hole then flung himself in head first. His is the doomed character, the man on the edge asking the questions which are probably left best at rest. It is Gullette’s performance that maintains the viewer’s interest when the second act begins to indulge itself a little too much. As Max becomes caught up in his work Aronofsky does a great, though- eventually- tedious job of relaying true obsessive behaviours. Viewers with a keen interest in Lynch will have no problem following the often nonsensical hallucinatory experience of watching Max’s mind unwind.
Pi is sharp and intense, clever, but perhaps too much for its own good, there are genius moments of grunge sci-fi/thriller and more than a few boring patches that dull the point of an otherwise streamlined example of total visual control. Aronofsky’s Pi plays out like the German expressionist Fight Club: elusive, startling, intense, but utterly bonkers at more than just a few points.
Scott Clark
Ben Shenkman,
blu ray,
darren aronofsky,
mark margolis,
movie review,
seas gullette
28 June 2013
Win Arbitrage On Blu Ray
In a role which earned him a Golden Globe nomination, Richard Gere plays a man beyond redemption in Nicholas Jarecki’s blistering thriller Arbitrage, available on Blu-ray and DVD on 15th July, 2013.Courtesy of Koch Media. we have 3 copies of the film up for grabs on Blu Ray.
When we first meet New York hedge-fund magnate Robert Miller (Richard Gere) he appears the very portrait of success in American business and family life. However, behind the gilded walls of his mansion Miller is in over his head, desperately trying to conceal an affair with French artist Julie Cote (Laetitia Casta – Gainsbourg) whilst racing to complete the sale of his trading empire to a major bank before his fraudulent dealings are revealed. When a tragic accident complicates things further, attracting the unwanted attention of NYPD detective Michael Bryer (Tim Roth), and the net tightens around him Miller realises that the suspicions of not just the police but also his loyal wife (Susan Sarandon ) and heir-apparent (Brit Marling) have been aroused. With time running out, Miller finds himself battling not just for his reputation but also his life.
Slick, smart and genuinely gripping, Arbitrage is a suspense-packed game of cat and mouse. With a classy cast comprising some of Hollywood’s most glittering stars in a timely and gripping thriller, Arbitrage is one of this summer’s most essential Blu-ray and DVD releases.
To win Arbitrage on Blu Ray please answer the following question:
Deadline to enter this competition is Sunday 21st July 2013 (11;59pm) and you must be 15 or older to enter
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Arbitrage is available on digital platforms From today.
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1.The competition is not opened to employees, family, friends of The Peoples Movies, Cinehouse,Koch Media employees who have the right to alter, change or offer alternative prize without any notice.2.All The Peoples Movies entries must be done via contact form. deadline Sunday 21st July 2013 (23:59pm) 15 years or older to enter 3.Failure to include any information required to enter could result in your entry been void. 4.automated entries are not allowed and will be disqualified, which could result you been banned, DO NOT INCLUDE telephone numbers as for security reason your entry will be deleted.5.If you are friend or like us at facebook for every competition you enter you get double entry, but you must stay friend/like us all the time,or future entries maybe considered one entry if you are liking us share the post on facebook and re-tweet the post.6.The Peoples Movies, Cinehouse takes no responsibility for delayed, lost, stolen prizes 7.Prizes may take from days to a few months for delivery which is out of our control so please do not complain 8.The winning entries will be picked at random and contacted by email or announced via facebook, sometimes we are unable to confirm winners. Uk & Irish entries only.
blu ray,
brit marling,
nicolas jarecki,
richard gere
22 August 2012
Love Exposure Blu-ray Review
If you're like been a fan of Japanese pop culture it's been a journey of many great times but also a journey of many stressful when those who don't understand the finer details attack unselfishly. If we where to choose a sole representative to let the world know the reasons why we love this culture, Sion Sono could be an ideal spokesman with his film Love Exposure may do the trick to convince the non believers.
In a style of a cooking Tv programme get a big bowl throw in plenty of kick-ass martial arts action, a tablespoon of Humour, scratching of religious cults, a slice of sexual perversions, boy meets girl, a litre of porn barons, family relationships. Give it a good mix before adding Sono's tender mix of voyeurism and don't forget to add upskirt panty shots, give it 4 hours in your DVD or Blu-Rayer result a film that has a lot to offer.
Yu (Takahiro Nishijima) has always been a well-behaved kid probably due to his devout Christian upbringing but when his mother dies torment prevails. Because of Yu's upbringing, it forces him to confess his sins on a daily basis however he is a normal kid and has no legitimate sins to confess. Determined to become a true sinner and appease his demanding priest father who's just been seduced by a woman whose broken his heart. Yu finds the ultimate sin, Porn trains to become a sneak upskirt photographer which gets the attention from his father he's been seeking. After loosing a bet with his sinner pals Yu is forced to dress as a girl (Sasori) and its this time he meets a beautiful girl Yoko (Hikari Mitsushima). Their first time together was glorious ending the night with a kiss, all-out street brawl but that's not the end of it Yoko thinks Yu is a woman and both maybe been manipulated by a devious cult leader named Aya (Sakura Ando).
Going back to that famous saying from Alfred Hitchcock by judging a film by the strength of your bladder, Love Exposure maybe touching 4 hours running time which may not agree with some bladders. However we have an advantage the great film maestro didn't have, DVD/Blu-Ray players. That epic running time may be a putt off for many people however with your remote control you can play this film in parts, pause but with Love Exposure it provides an entertainment value that you will only pause to refill your glass (or empty your bladder) as it'll keep your grip on your tv screen.
When I chat to fellow cinephiles and when Sono's name is introduced to the mix if it's not Suicide Club for many fans the stepping stone into his world is Love Exposure. Ironically myself it was Coldfish then Suicide Club been my route into the deranged mind of our cordial Japanese host.
Love Exposure is that satirical homage to those non-believers who call Asian/Japanese as perverted and satanic (2 things I was labelled by a friend of our family when I was 15!). It mocks those who ridicule the culture but also mocks how sexually repressed the Japanese are too.It's ridiculous to think this is the same nation who privately liberated sexually, have machines on streets that provide everything from your favourite soft drink too worn School uniforms. Sono really taps into the dark underlinings of his nations obsession with eroticism, but he approaches the topics in an astute but humorous kind of way.
What we mustn't forget here Love Exposure is a teen romance/coming of age story also, which really highlights when it comes to falling in love, love does work in mysterious ways or in Son's film absurd ways. Life isn't simple but with love comes hurt too. This is no Mills & Boon story there are no saints but those we label sinners really are saints who have lost direction to be the saints, we need direction and religion is one way to find the right direction. Living in a country where religion has brought chaos and order (Scotland), I've seen the good and ugly side which gets a little upsetting when a person cant practice a faith without prejudice. Someone can be a devout follower of a faith but following a religion where God is treated more like a rockstar is quite funny but also unsettling reminds me of Dogma and the Jesus statue in shades pointing at you. When your soul and mind are damaged you can fall prey to who use religion for other means making you opened to easy persuasion.
Those stories you hear about Sono been the master Nihilist, king of voyeurs Love Exposure is a perfect example of why he's worthy of those titles. Sono presents Love Exposure like one of those old naughty peepshows, undefined, seductively addictive, engaging, absurdly humorous but passionately gratifying. How many films these days can tick all the boxes for film satisfaction? Not many but Love Exposure can and it's why it's worthy of being called an essential piece of contemporary Japanese Cinema.
Paul Devine | ★★★★1/2
action, comedy | Japan, 2009 | 18 | 6th August 2012 (UK) | Third Window Films |Dir:Shion Sono,Takahiro Nishijima,Hikari Mitsushima,Sakura Andô
2 July 2012
Win Win Lion Of The Desert & The Message On Blu-Ray
Every epic movie lover's collection should include these two silver screen classics: Lion of the Desert and The Message (Anchor Bay). Both are available to buy on DVD and Blu-Ray for the first time on 2nd July and include legendary stars such as Anthony Quinn, Rod Steiger, John Gielgud and Oliver Reed.
To celebrate their release, we've got three copies of each to give away on Blu-Ray!
Lion Of The Desert - The year is 1929 and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini faces a 20-year-long war waged by Bedouin patriots who are resisting Italian colonisation and the establishment of “The Fourth Shore” – essentially a re-birth of a Roman Empire in Africa. Hoping to crush the rebellion, Mussolini appoints the ruthless General Rodolfo Graziani, a man who would come to be known as the “Butcher of Fezzan”. Leading the resistance is Omar Mukhtar, a teacher by profession but a guerrilla by obligation, one who has committed himself to fighting a bloody war than he knows cannot be won in his lifetime. As tanks and airplanes are deployed in the desert for the first time, the Bedouin realize their primitive weaponry is no match for the might of the Italian Army. But, driven by courage and inspired by their leader, they continue to fight on.
The Message - It is the 7th Century in Mecca, and powerful leaders are
in conflict with Mohammad who attacks their way of life and the
injustices it produces. Claiming to have seen a vision of the Angel
Gabriel, Mohammad calls on the people of Mecca to cast aside the 300
idols of the Kaaba and to worship one God. Despite bitter opposition
from the leaders of Mecca, Mohammad and his faithful followers meet
secretly to listen to the revelations of the word of God. The leaders
respond with persecution, forcing the Moslems to leave Mecca and take
sanctuary in Medina. After receiving a revelation from God, Mohammad agrees to take arms
against Mecca and battle until more people are converted to the emerging
religion and ready to accept the prophet. At the Wells of Bedr the
inexperienced Moslem troops are victorious but find themselves beaten at
the Battle of Uhud and accept a ten-year truce, so that they can
continue to spread the word of God…
For a chance to win these films on Blu-Ray answer the following question:
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For a chance to win these films on Blu-Ray answer the following question:
Q.Who is the former Middle East Dictator Who Financed Lion Of The Desert For $35million in 1981?
a.Saddam Hussein
b.Muammar Gadaffi
c.Ferdinand Marcos
Send your answer , name, address, to have your email to header As ‘Anchor Bay Films’. Deadline:July 22nd, 2012 (2359hrs) .Terms and Conditions
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- This competition is promoted on behalf of Anchor Bay UK
- The Prize is to win LION OF THE DESERT, The Message on Blu ray, 3 winners
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19 June 2012
Starring Sam Sheppard, Mateo Gil's Blackthorn is now available on DVD and Blu Ray (released June 4th) but thanks to Chelsea Films we have 3 copies of the film to be won on Blu-Ray.
Mateo Gil, the Spanish filmmaker best known for his screenplays for Alejandro Amenabar offers “A fascinating imaginary sequel to the story of Butch and Sundance” (The Observer) in Blackthorn.
Sam Shepard (Brothers, The Assassin of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) delivers “a charismatic performance” (Evening Standard) and “clearly relishes one of his best cinema roles in years” (Daily Express) inn the “elegiac, beautifully shot Western” (New York Post) Blackthorn. It’s been said (but unsubstantiated) that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were killed in a standoff with the Bolivian military in 1908.
In Blackthorn, Cassidy (Shepard) survived, and is quietly living out his years under the name James Blackthorn in a secluded Bolivian village. Tired of his long exile from the U.S. and hoping to see his family again before he dies, Cassidy sets out on the long journey home. However, when an unexpected encounter with an ambitious young criminal (Eduardo Noriega, The Devil’s Backbone, Open Your Eyes) derails his plans, he is thrust into one last adventure, the likes of which he hasn’t experienced since his glory days with the Sundance Kid.
Co-starring Stephen Rea (Ondine, The Crying Game) and Nicolaj Coster-Waldau (“The Game Of Thrones,” Kingdom Of Heaven), Blackthorn was directed by three-time Goya winner Mateo Gil and was shot on location in the breathtaking Bolivian landscape, believed to be Cassidy’s final resting place.
To win Blackthorn on Blu-Ray, please answer the following question:
Q.What was The Name of The Andrew Dominik Western Starred in ?
Send your answer , name, address, to have your email to header As ‘blackthorn’. Deadline:July 15 th, 2012 (2359hrs) . Follow us at our Facebook Page if you haven’t done it already, double entry!Blackthorn starring Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Published via
Read our Review of Blackthorn
Terms and Conditions
- This prize is non-transferable.
- No cash alternatives apply.
- UK & Irish entries only
The Peoples Movies, Cinehouse and Chelsea Films have the right to alter, delay or cancel this competition without any notice - The competition is not opened to employees, family, friends of The Peoples Movies, Cinehouse, Chelsea Films employees
- This competition is promoted on behalf of Chelsea Films.
- The Prize is to win Blackthorn on Blu Ray
- To enter this competition you must send in your answer, name, address only, Deadline July 15th, 2012 (2359hrs)
- Will only accept entries sent to the correct email (, any other entry via any other email will be void.
- The Peoples Movies, Cinehouse takes no responsibility for delayed, lost, stolen prizes
- The competition is opened to Aged 16 and over
- Unless Stated Please Do Not Include Telephone Numbers, we don’t need them
- The winning entries will be picked at random and contacted by email
- By sending your entry for this competition you are confirming you have read and agreed to these Terms & Conditions.
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ThePrizeFinder – UK Competitions
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chelsea films,
mateo gil,
sam sheppard,
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4 June 2012
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