Showing posts with label short. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short. Show all posts

3 September 2010

TIFF 2010: Surreal Trailer For THE ADDER'S BITE

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source Twitch
What I love about international festivals is the bigger they are the more likely a trailer of some sort will appear online and the darker and surreal they are I seem to be a sucka for them and THE ADDER'S BITE Falls under the category.
Firas Momani The Adder's Bite is a short 9 minute horror-sci-fi inspired by the workings of  famous German philosopher Nietzsche and this movie looks at the relationship of humans and parasites and our dependancy on both the look is very gritty to reminds me of Lynch's Dark City.
The movie has picked up a few awards including one at the Montreal short film festival maybe it'll do it again in a couple of weeks with Toronto Festival? Check out the trailer and synopsis after the break...

27 August 2010

Watch Paris By Night of the Living Dead Short

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source QuietEarth
OOH LaLa! Zombie's invade Paris this is a delayed short PARIS BY NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD shoulkd have been out 4 years ago simply due to been regarded as been bad. Now its complete in full, its okay but nothing special, check it out below.

Paris by Night of the Living Dead
Uploaded by blankytwo. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

21 August 2010

Your Lucky Day - Short Movie

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Your Lucky Day from Dan on Vimeo.
Source LiveForFilms
Found this brilliant little short movie by accident whilst looking for new material for The Peoples Movies, it's called Your Lucky Day by Dan Brown and the story is about a  megaball lottery draw sends a convenience store spiraling out of control.Fantastically edited together as Ive said before if you want to make it into filmmaking bigtime create short movies and work hard as you will get notice, so watchout for this guy as he'll soon be taking that big step if hes creating movies of this qaulity! enjoy!

18 August 2010

Le Greenboy And Dirtygirl Short

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Received an email yesterday from French Filmmaker Jérôme Genevray (and fan of my other blog thepeoples movies!) with this cool little short film/ trailer LE GREEN BOY & DIRTY GIRL which Jerome is hoping in the near future can be made into a full length feature film.
The movie stars Alysson Paradis (sister of Vanessa or sister in law to Johnny Depp), and Diane Dassigny both women well known actress in France and the trailer is backed with with some really cool music from French electro-punk group we are enfant terrible from Paris.
Tell us what you think by leaving some and you can show your support to Jerome by going to the movies facebook page. movie after the break...


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 source Twitch
This is warped fun! as Cypress Hill once sung Insane in the membraine check out the new animated short from the MK12 gang with TELEPHONE ME animated short. There's not much too say is watch and enjoy!!!

TELEPHONEME | MK12 from MK12 on Vimeo.

12 August 2010


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source QuietEarth
checkout this cool little sci-fi short called SYNTHETIC WORLD not much info on it apart from its Good!!! Whatelese to you need to know just watch and enjoy.

8 August 2010

Who Said Slasher movies cant be fun? Trailer For LEGEND OF BEAVER DAM

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Who said Slasher horror movies that are comedies, musical, has terrified children? Well here is the trailer from the crazy mind of

When a ghost story around the campfire awakens an evil monster, it's up to nerdy Danny Zigwitz to be the hero and save his fellow campers from a bloody massacre. Crank up the volume and get ready to scream along to this musical gore-fest in the woods. Heads will rock'n'roll!
Enjoy the trailer after the break and dont forget your poncho!!!!

1 August 2010

Watch The Movie short for Jean-Pierre Jeunet'S BUNKER OF THE LAST GUNSHOTS

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LE BUNKER from kapelaans on Vimeo.
Source Twitch
Here's a rare treat for Jean-Pierre Jeunet fans a short movie he co-created with Marc Caro nearly 30 years ago well before the pair created Delicatessen and City Of The Lost Children. The movie is called BUNKER OF THE LAST GUNSHOTS (Le bunker de la dernière rafale) set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic world where a group of military men are locked up in a bunker waiting for a unknown enemy to strike but a discovery of an certain project causes several catastrophies that cause the men to kill each other off. The movie is very hard to find so today it's getting a rare chance to run and its 25 minutes long, so please enjoy.

25 July 2010

Richard E.Grant is THE MAN WHO MARRIED HIMSELF Trailer

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To many people Richard E Grant will always been remember as been Withnail from the classic 1987 cult movie Withnail & I but now we can remember him by The Man Who Married Himself.

This is a new British comedy short written &; directed by Garrick Hamm which stars Warren Clark, Emilia Fox (whom I had a crush on when I was younger not realising she is only 1 year older than me!!!)and Celia Imrie all well known names within the British acting world.

What has struck me about this little trailer is the great usage of the graphics and how beautifully shot the movie looks well they do have award winning cinematographer  Michael Seresin (Harry Potter, Angela’s Ashes, Angel Heart).It look typically British: bright, funny, layered with a few dark undertones not forgetting  whacky.
The movie will be shown at 2 of America's prestigous film festivals LA Shorts Fest  which has a knack of selecting the short film s that go onto win the Oscar for best movie short! You can also catch the movie at Rhodes Island International Film Festival which actually can help the movie qaulify for a possible Oscar nomination.

 Check out the movies trailer, behind the scenes featurette and the synopsis after the break...

24 July 2010

A New Subtitled Trailer For Sergio Luca Lureni's R.O.A.C.H

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R.O.A.C.H. teaser trailer Eng from RoachTheMovie on Vimeo.
source QuietEarth
a few weeks ago QuietEarth posted theis trailer online I didnt take much notice of it I dont Know why just didn't but now they have posted an English version of the trailer online and I'm glad now I'm checking it out.
The short movie has been created by Sergio Luca Loreni an is a brilliant looking amotspheric sci-fi cyberpunk movie first impressions Blade Runner is a big inspiration. I just wonder why so many moviemakers over do it on the CGI making it so obivous there walking past a big blue screen, it ruins possible good movies though this one looks not too bad though.. I dont know when this maybe available online if does ill post it here.

The story takes place in 2068 and is set in a place very similar to Minsk, the capital of Belarus which sits nestled on the borderline between Russia and Europe, called New Minsk. In this future incarnation, corporations have near complete control of industry and communication. The story follows one man who rises up against one of the most powerful multinational corporations exposing the company’s genetic experimentation project code named R.O.A.C.H.

12 July 2010

Brandon McCormack's Heartless:The Story of The Tinman Short Film

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Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.

source LiveFor Films
Found this beauty of a movie short at LiveForFilms site and its called HEARTLESS:THE STORY OF THE TIN MAN written&directored by Brandon McCormick . You think you may know the story of the Tin Man as in the character from Frank Baum's Wizard Of Oz, well watch this movie, its a retelling of a background story of the tin man very tragic emotional one of when the tin man was in love, human and had a heart. Very simple but also very dark caold story of a poor woodsman who wanted to marry a maiden of a wealthy family, movie has been realeased by Whitestone Motion Pictures.

11 July 2010

Noel Clarke in Sci-Fi Noir short REIGN OF DEATH

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source LiveForFilm

Having a search through the mysterious world called the world wide web to bring you some goodies for you to enjoy and came across this little cracker of a movie short starring "I'm in everything British made " Noel Clarke.
The short movie is called REIGN OF DEATH and was created by Matthew Savage it's a CGI short movie similar in style as 300, Sin City.When you watch the trailer it's like a fallback to the old film noir mixed up with fritz lang inspired sci-fi...pulp science fiction! It's a simple story of  a 1930s vision of the future and gumshoe chases down a robotic murder suspect, the movie came out last year but cinehouse wasn't around when this came out, so enjoy!

26 June 2010

Its a Big Bad Lonely Place even when you have your teddy...trailer for NO ROAD TO FOLLOW

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Source QuietEarth
When you walk the burned decayed barren wasteland called earth with only a teddy bear for company looking for other survivors its a hard world out there. Below is the teaser trailer for Jeremy Rush's movie short NO ROAD TO FOLLOW his debut movie, its an interesting hopeful piece which has no dialogue, but what lacks in speech we get great cinematography along with a pounding soundtrack which does make this look a interesting movie which is due for release very soon.

check out the trailer after the break...

18 June 2010

Dean Francis Short VERMIN

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source QuietEarth
I dont have much information on this little short, but Vermin is an excellent 22 minute short from actor/director Dean Francis . This dude did alot of work in Australia despite been born up north in Newcastle, but I have to say im utterly impressed, as an artist you create something to express yourself and this little short express Francis talent to create something off the wall which will disturb but will also get you enjoying the whole thing as well.
Vermin is shot in grey montone which gives the whole movie a very dystopian feel, all I can really say is watch and enjoy!!!

16 June 2010

A GIANT animation short

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I was a bit unsure how to give this post a title without giving it a dodgy title which sounded like a punt, anyway below is a sweet , simple short animation called GIANT. The movies are only about minute or more long and are part of a series which takes us through the world of giants with a few untold truths & conflict.
Each episode will focus on a different giant and so nice to see something thats kind to the eye, series created by Yann Benedi enjoy...

10 June 2010

Alex Nakone's Horror Short MR.MORAG'S HELICAL DREAM'S

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source QuietEarth
Cloning has been a very sensitive subject some people see the advantages of cloning when all other options have been used whilst others are against it simply down to its ethical morals. If you think about it some surgery we already use artifical body parts/limbs (heart,knee,hips, etc...) but over the years the cloning of a living human or animal has raised the biggest issues. It's been done in the movies like in the island where the clones end up having the sense of whats going on, so maybe thats one of the issues would clones be better than the real thing? We could go on forever.
Mr Morag's Helical is a short movie by Alexander Nakone which looks at the thought of a human receiving cloned human body parts. The acting aint fantastic it's the messege of the film, if you where on death's door and the only way to cure you was using cloned human body parts what would you do?
Check The movie out after the break...

3 June 2010

Watch The Beautifully Stunning TUNGIJUQ Short

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source Twitch
I trained to be a graphic designer and even though I never took the career up (simply due to lack of money to finish my university) I still have that creative eye and ocassionally create something graphically, but having that eye for detail I caught thisTingijuq

21 May 2010

Watch This: Animated Short AZUREUS RISING

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source QuietEarth
Well its been nearly 5 weeks since I posted something on the blog but here we go again and we kick off with a little cracker of a animated sci-fi short called AZUREUS RISING.

Yep you will see alot of cliches and similar stuff from other movies with Matrix looking like its biggest inspiration but this is not a dig at this movie. The movie world be it animated or real world the movie genres have been used so much so its no surprise you'll see cliches but its what you do with them and create them into something different is what makes movies great and the team behind Azureus have done that.

Whats good about this is that this short movie hasn't taken the gritty realism route many of the current crop of movies have taken. The movies main character is a freedom fighter but who he is fighting we dont really know but the whole thing just looks so good we dont really care!!!

There is a plan to possibly expand this into a trilogy possibly as a trilogy of shorts or even full length live actions, check out the offical website here,

15 April 2010

Short Film: Guy Maddin's NIGHT MAYOR

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source ThePlaylist
Below is the latest short film from Guy Maddin called NIGHT MAYOR.

The film is about Nihad Ademi, an inventor from Bosnia who immigrates to Winnipeg. He builds, with his children, a machine called the "Telemodium" which uses the waves of Aurora Borealis to broadcast footage of "every day life for every day people." The footage is shown in different parts of Canada, coast to coast. Eventually, people begin to take to these images and start broadcasting their own, that is, until the police get involved.

The movie lasts 13 minutes and is shot in glorious black and white like his previous work of My Winnepeg a documentary about Maddin's home city. The whole style I would describe as experimental, original shot in the style of the black & white movies of the early 1900's  and this short movie is online courtesy of NFB -National Film Board of Canada and they describe the auteur as "an imaginative cinematic riff on the significance of a public film producer." Guy Maddin is very new to me and when I watched this short I got the feeling I liked what I was watching but if you asked me why I couldn't say but he is a very proud Canadian and his previous cv contains alot of Canadianesque projects, check it out Night Mayor below;

11 April 2010

Trailer For Phillip Bacon's YELLOW BELLY END

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 Source TwitchFilm
When I was studing Graphic Design at Salford University visually I tried to create a style that was minimal, effective as well as eye catching and YELLOW BELLY END definitely has those things.

Created by Phillip Bacon who was a illustration student at Manchester University and this was actually his graduation project and in this day and age it's very rare for an graduation project to be noticed. It's very absurd, obscure piece of animation, but to me its Bacon's visual style that makes me want to watch this. Hopefully the full animation will find itself online soon, meantime check out the trailer/clip below;