Showing posts with label short. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short. Show all posts

15 January 2011

Nikolaj Feifer's JUNK LOVE, A Solaris Inspired sci-fi Short watch trailers

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Many big filmmakers found there feet in short movies others found there feet as assistants under the great directors of there day, so when I spoke to recent friends one a massive fan of District 9 by Neill Blomkamp who got his break from short movies....

13 January 2011

You Have 3MINUTES, Ross Ching's Short Movie

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You can do alot in 3 minutes if you put your mind to it and Ross Ching has with his cool little short 3MINUTES. The story is simple you have 3 minutes to.... Well that would be telling you have to watch and if you dont it , you know what the old man will do to you! The movie stars Harry Shum Jr (Glee) and Stephen "tWitch" Boss (So You Think You Can Dance), nice little concept we hope here a Cinehouse he'll continue!

No need to be outside when you can stay inside a virtual short film 'OUTSIDE'

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Watch this impressive short film after the break.

25 December 2010

Watch Horror Short THE HOUSE

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Source CoffeeBreaks
I stumbled onto this website by accident and found this nice little 8 minute short movie called THE HOUSE.My first impressions of the name it was some homage to the cheesy horror comedy 1986 movie which had Norm from Cheers in it oh no this does pay homage to the classic slasher flicks like texas chainsaw, even more recent wolf creek. very effective way the filmmaker have used one location to create a very creepy surrounding backed by the equally creepy soundtrack,enjoy

21 December 2010

WATCH Some Matchstick men in Don Hertzfeldt's WISDOM TEETH

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Don Hertzfeldt has made a name for himself as the crazy filmaker whose made matchstick men famous on the screen but not in a childish likeway but some times violent but 'artistic' way, that it even got him a Oscar nomination. His latest creation WISDOM TEETH making its debut at this years Sundance/Fantastic Fest and is now part of Showtimes  "Short Stories", So sit back and enjoy folks!

Behold Sci-Fi Geeks and watch Sci-fi short MODERN TIMES

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MODERN TIMES from BC2010 on Vimeo.
source Twitch
When you see blockbuster movies been made for millions and alot of the time disspointment at the box office you get that feeling why am I wasting my time here.But when a movie be it feature length of short length is made with virtually no money and produces something fantastically brilliant it just make you appriecate the raw talent outhtere who make movies the way you expect big movies to do it, but its there passion, decication and of course talent that shines through here.
This little gem is called MODERN TIMES and   has been created by a UK based arts deigner who goes under the name of BC2010 though I think his first name is Ben but who cares it looks wonderfull just watch and enjoy!

18 December 2010

Watch - WHITE , A cool Post Apoclayptic Short Movie

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Picture been in a scenario like The Day After Tomorrow wheres there nothing to be found apart from cold weather and your dog? You can find out by checking out WHITE a cool little short movie. Created by Patrick Bonvin set in Quebec but if i posted this movie last week I dont think it would have went down well after the extreme snow weather we had in Scotland, enjoy!

14 December 2010

Is It The end of the world but there's time to eat? Watch Short movie EATEN

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This is reall obscure, very weird short movie called EATEN by Israeli filmmaker Elad Rath. Its a simple story, a man and a demon locked in a room, the demon is eatening alot of weird stuff like bugs whilst the man sits there looking like his sanity is slipping and having that breakdown. It seems that bombing is going on is it world war 3, the endo the world as we know it? Watch and enjoy but a warning if you watched the bushtrucker trials in "I'm a celebity, get me outta here" and watching celebs munch at a few cockroaches enjoy, if not I dont recommed munching at your dinner whilst watching!

10 December 2010

Enjoy Ryan J Woodward'a Animated short THOUGHT OF YOU

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source Twitch
You dont see much traditional animation these days but Short movie THOUGHT OF YOU hasn't forgotten its roots. Created by Ryan J Woodward, (Iron Man 2, Spiderman2/3, ) the animation is a love story expressed through figurative drawing mixed with contemporary dance and very pretty watching the animation  express the figures lines when they dance, enjoy the short movie after the break....

7 December 2010

Watch Remi Gamietter's CABLE Animated short

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source Quietearth
What do you get when you cross a French Sculptor with Dave Cheungs Aeon Flux? CABLE  a short animated feature from  Remi Gamietter which took him over two years to create using no motion capture techniques which the whole feel of the movie a jaggey affair visually similar to Aeon Flux but a little more organic I say, there is a feel of early sega style gaming design too. Nothing spectacular here but its worthy of been watched  as is the artist first short movie.
Seething with rage, a woman dives into the deepest darkness of this world:

a tortured tower made of steel and cables amid which she throws herself headlong to recover her three abducted little girls.

Full short movie after the break....

5 December 2010

Waych The Animated Short TEMPLE RIDER (奇廟單車遊)

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source Twitch
Check out with wonderful little 12 minute animated story TEMPLE RIDER(奇廟單車遊). Its a very surreal style of animation which though its in catonese (sorry no English subs) its till wonderful to watch as its in High -Def and even if you cant speak Catonese you'll able to get the grasp of the animation.
To prove how good this little gem is it recently won Hong Kong Regional Award Gold winner and the Encouragement Award winner awards at last months  12th TBS DigiCon6.

The girl in our story (Yan) is a reflection of the new generation in Hong Kong. She is very protective by her family and does not even have the guts to ride on a two-wheel bicycle. One day, she finds a magic temple and her new challenge begins.
movie after the break...

3 December 2010

Your Guide To Survive a Post Apocalypse, Animated Short DUCKED & COVERED

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Source QuietEarth
Been a kid of the 1980's and a unfortunate tag of been labelled Thatcher's children, the thought of a nuclear attack from Russia was always driven into our minds a possiblity especially when you have a tyrant dictator like Margaret Thatcher eager to blow us all up. So what if a Apocalypse was pending would you know what to do to survive? No fear not I have the answer below!
Lets put things into perspective no fashion, no sports, tv or any of those treats or things you love to do will all be gone on the aftermath, but like any disaster we must move on and try to survive the best we can and Nathaniel Lindsay has the answer with DUCKED & SURVIVED!
Lindsey's brilliant little animated guide to survival of the aftermath is a hilarious dark look at surviving the holocust everything from fashion styles, weapons, becoming a warlord and funniest of all hw to defend yourself against killer robots!!! The movie has done the festival circuit this year picking up numerous awards including one at the maelstrom film festival in Seattle for best animation, so have a giggle, take notes and watch the full short film after the break.....

26 November 2010

Walk The Solid Ground Again in Russian PA Short RED DOG

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RED DOG from Los de Lito Films on Vimeo.

source QuietEarth
Everyday I check for new exciting trailers and news to share with you guys, one thing i really like to dig out is shorts and on todays search I found this one RED DOG. The short movie is from Russia and is set in a post apocalyptic earth where people survive underwater (not as sub-mariner, though that might have cool though!). The film is set only a few years into the future and for years humans have adapted to life underwater until 2 men decided to go onland but its been so long would the barren land welcome the human race back?

24 November 2010

Sublime Trailer For Animated PATHS OF HATE

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source Twitch
When comes to animation here in the west we seem to be very one dimensional and play things safe by really only following the big studios like Walt Disney and Dreamworks. Like Hollywood and Independent movie time after time theres proof that going outside mainstream things can be better qaulity and thus people should check out the smaller companies like  Platige Image  from Poland who from the evidence of the trailer are a re studio people should check out as there simply a talented bunch. PATHS OF HATE is a prime example of how underated the studio is, withs it sublime visual style which has been created so beautifully the whole look at times looks realistic.

"Paths of Hate" is a dynamic tale about hatered which is the indispensable element of human nature. Damian Nenow has created a film that matches Visual attractiveness of American action cinema and European reflexive character of author cinema. The audience is being drawn into the middle of a fight, of an unknown origins. The finale of it is a bitter author's comment.

trailer after the break...

23 November 2010

Watch The Erie Post Apocalyptic Short RETRIBUTION (Prelude)

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Soure QuietEarth
We do love our shorts here at Cinehouse Hq, especially the post apoclyptic ones like RETRIBUTION (Prelude). The short movie has be created by Lenore Romas and William DeJessa who are actually going to create a feature length version and its fantastic what you can do with desolute buildings, old railtracks, creating a essense of a errie dead world and throw a movie with no dialogue creates a real dark amotsphere, a struggle for humanity and I like what I see here.
This short is really a arc for the feature length movie thats starting to film in January and the appearence of what we believe is a woman curiousity wants you to find out who she (or he is). Short after the break....

3 November 2010

Check Out The Trailer For Sci-Fi Flick COCKPIT

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source QuietEarth
"Listen to Me earthlings I am your master I control you, I will destroy you!!!" You might be saying what the frig is he going on about has he lost it?!! Answer is no!COCKPIT is from  film festival circuit winner Jesse Griffiths and is based on the short movie currently working its way around Festival circuit Cockpit:The Rule Of Engagement and there's hope this will become a feature lengther.
My first impressions it looks like CGC fested live action computer game, just feel the fx have that jekyll and Hyde feel: sometimes fantastic other times really cheesy, but it does have its potential, check the trailer out after the break....

Watch Animated Sci-fi Short ELEVEN

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source Twitch
Everyone in there time has had to call some customer service call centre to buy, report or even complain about a product or service and all you want to do is get your point across so you can get some satisfaction but all you get is an automated system that ask you to press thousands of button s before you speak to some one human?! Yes we'v all been there but spare a thought for this guy in the the sci-fi animated short ELEVEN, as he calls for help behind enemylines  and all the automated system does get him into trouble with killer robot getting closer to the helpless man!
The short is only 3 minutes long short but really funny and created by  Anzovin Studio

The animated short and synopsis after the break....